Thursday, 8 March 2012

On Woman's Day : Some ME Time !

If I were to delve into the life of a dozen women, it probably would be no different. We spent the whole of our lives ensuring every member in the family feels cared for, that people at work, truly are satisfied about having hired us to do our job, that the house is in order, the children have finished their homework, had their milk/banana and a zillion other things that may be relatively insignificant.
Then somewhere down the line, we loose sight of our own being. We keep telling ourselves that of course our lives are balanced, until it occurs to us that maybe one of the most important aspects of our lives got ignored : we allowed ourselves to age faster than a Rat !
And aging does not mean having a wrinkled face or grey hair, it goes beyond ! We stopped feeling alive due to the absence of wanting to pursue our hobbies. It was always about joining the 3 points to make the triangle : Family, Home, Career. There was never a ME in there. And while a lot of women a generation or a couple older might feel I sound Selfish, the truth is beyond a certain point we would truly end up feeling not too good about ourselves.
If I were to talk to the late 30's / mid 40's woman : she isn't too interested in her husband, she doesn't look too well, she doesn’t feel too happy, shez caught in a more mechanical way of living, life for her is more about duties than actually living each breath!!
Why ??? Because she missed out on learning to attach a greater importance to her own needs for the lack of time. But only if she set aside just that 1 extra hour by either getting up earlier or staying awake later or just shutting out communication to the world in an hour in between, that 1 hour everyday would eventually have added a decade to her life : and even if life cannot be measured by the number of days, she could've at least lived the same number of days - only a lot happier than now.
We all have work, we all have a family to care for, a career to progress in, a home to look after, children to raise, but if we don't take that time out for ourselves, no one will give it to us on a platter. Let's learn to make time : to maybe just go up the terrace and watch the sunrise, or read in silence with your favourite cuppa chai, or just plant a sapling, sketch / paint, write, knit, dance, bathe in relaxation, smell the flowers, go for a walk, talk to yourself, do anything that just involves U alone !!!

That truly is the best gift you will give yourself everyday : some time that is a Classified ME TIME !! I just did – Will You..?? :)
Have a Wonderful Woman’s Day ! :)
Luv as always,
- Sayli ! :)