Monday 30 June 2008

I Won the Bet ! :)

SPAIN won ! :) But dint quite enjoy the match as much as we thought we would ! :( Initial 10 mins i was lead into thinking Germany would score since the ball was in the opposite half for most of the time. But i was thankfully proven wrong.
The half time i thought would've got both the teams geared up, but the German's seemed to be playing a lost match! It was as if they came on field without any strategy at all ! And well, i would've enjoyed more if there were some more attempts made by SPAIN to score some more.
1-0 in a EURO CUP final was not an enjoyable score really. I was actually hoping for some extra time and then some penalties and even a sudden death ! Too much haan ! :)
But Cheers to SPAIN !! Afterall they entered the History Books after 44 long years ! :)
Long Live Football ! (or as they call it here - Soccer!)

Saturday 28 June 2008

Lawn Tennis - From Spectators to Players

I never thought Monday evening was going to see Abhi actually buying a Brand New Raquet ! And we hit the Court !! Yep ! Our very 1st attempt at being players of one of our favourite sport. It did make us think like yeah - it seemed a lot easier to be spectators ! But it was a lot of fun and tremendous improvement in within a weeks time ! (Tou today saw me sitting at the sidelines - thanks to this painful sprain in the neck and a stiffness in my upperback). But I enjoyed watching Abhi play a good game with our companions.
We'v missed our chance on getting tickets to the Prestigious Wimbledon, but we make it for sure next year - as spectators ;) :) ofcourse ;) what did u think ;) :)
Jokes apart, tomorrow's the day to watch out for Spain for sure. Abhi however's supporting the Germans :) We would've loved to be one among the huge audience that adds to the thrill of this game !! We would've even loved to watch it on our very own TV with some chilled Beer for Abhi and some Vodka with Sprite for me with nuts, chips and the company of our friends. All of us lying down with cushions and pillows in the ambience of yellow light and gr8 music and witness all the excitment right from the word GO !!!
But, there'z a better plan - A Pool Dinner at our common friend's - that makes it 6 people together chipping in to watch - The 2008 EURO CUP Finals : Germany vs Spain. So lets c who wins the bet - Abhi or Me :) :) I have my fingers crossed.
At the end of it all, I am sure its gonna be a gr8 game to watch ! Happy Watching to you too...
I am sure all the Sports Bars back home in India are gonna be jam packed with some electric atmosphere!!!
Cheers !! [n Go for it SPAIN ! ]
- sayli :)

Oops this was suppose to be a post on Tennis ! ;) :)

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Making the Most of Now

Well, I know I resolve way too often. But it kinda keeps me going. So here I go again :
I've been toying with the Idea of wanting to be something more than just a loving wife, a good cook and a health concious human being!
I would want to look at myself as someone who knows how to Swim (I kept telling Abhi that I was a gr8 swimmer till we both jumped in the pool on our Goa Vacation and I started to drown - Mannn... I loved it for one reason - the post drowning experience which was oh so romantic - now cummon.. I ain't need to describe every single thing - each soul has a sense of imagination - put yours to USE! ;) :)
We discovered I had actually forgotten how to Swim :) :) !!! Well they say Swimming n Driving are two things you'll never forget but I just proved the former wrong and am hoping not to prove the other fact wrong as well ! :) ;) )
So .. starting where I left off.. Swimming ! yeah ! I am going to pursuade Hubby Deary to accompany me to Swimming Classes in a nearby club that's exactly between his office and our Home - making it even more convenient for him to Join! ;)
To top it all.. it has a Gym (this is one thing we both religious love and are at it !) a sauna, steam n jacuzzi - so much to keep onself occupied and feeling good.
Therez also a tennis court around here... and nope we aren't gonna start off by making new purchases of rackets rather we borrow them from our gr8 friends here and see how interested this sport manages us to keep ! And if it does catch our fancy - there would be nothing like it !!
Alright not too many things at a time - just one as of now - or should I say [the way Vodafoners do :)] to MAKE THE MOST OF NOW !! :)