Friday 13 January 2012

On a Lighter Note - On Weight Loss

Hello!! :) & Herez wishing all my readers a very Happy 2012! This year for me, is going to be all about kick starting that sleeping metabolism, building strength & muscle, bettering my stamina and loosing fat & flab!

For the very 1st time in the 30 short years I’ve lived, “Weight Loss” has actually become a New Year Resolution! I am surprised at how fast I have piled up weight in the past 6 months!! I can’t wear those trousers to work nor dare to carry myself around in a simple round neck t-shirt with my favorite pair of Jeans. So I have resorted to Jackets & Blazers and while I enjoy wearing these very smart business casuals on Friday’s, I can’t wait to be ME!! :)
There are some thumb rules that I have always sworn by and will continue to stick to while I am at my goal:

1: Drinking plenty of Water : This year it’s going to be drinking plenty of WARM Water – makes me feel less bloated and it was a big help in getting rid of the post pregnancy belly.

2: Eating every 2-3 hours: This year it’s going to be substituting canteen food for homemade food, canteen snacks for 2 different fruits, hunger pangs are going to be satisfied by dried fruits.

3: Reducing Sugar, Oil & Salt: This year it’s going to be just 2 small cups of green tea without sugar, giving up on pickles, papad & pakodas no matter how tempting they appear & avoiding sprinkling my salad, butter milk & plain white rice with salt. I cannot give up on sweet, so that needs cutting down to a smaller portion. The trick is to always share the dessert with people around You. :)
4: Getting back to the GYM: Waking up while the rest of the house sleeps to hit the gym in that early hour, running on the treadmill to the sound of loud techno music, strength training along-side fellow gymmers gives you a high of a different kind!!! Reason enough for keeping up that 6 days a week exercise routine alternating between cardio & weight training. This year, if I miss a weekday, then Sunday morning will be my day to make up!
5: Ensuring a generally Active Routine: An afternoon walk in the office campus, taking the stairs, washing your pair of clothes etc etc (anything that ensures more motion ;) )
6: Relook your Wardrobe: CLOTHES are the biggest motivation for a Woman to stay fit ! Take a look at those amazing pairs of cocktail/maxi dresses, that pencil skirt, that waist coat !!! You’ve invested a hell lot on putting it all together. Now it’s time you reaped its benefits. Loose that FAT!!! Look Good Lady ! Because - “U’re worth it”!! :)

Happy Toning - Happy 2012 !

- Sayli :)

Thursday 2 June 2011

June 2nd 2011 - My 1st Day @ Work

When I proudly took a sabbatical back in April 2008, little did I know that it was going to last for 3 long years ! I had a feeling that 5 years of working in the IT industry was a good enough reason for me to take a break - but only for a few months. But Life has it's own way of surprising us and while we may work real hard at making our Plan A work, it sometimes hints at you to implement your Plan B ! I was - job hunting in the right place at the wrong time - in the UK when the worst recession in the past 30 years finally peaked in 2008/2009 !

While I inherently started to enjoy motherhood, the fear of being unemployed loomed real large over my head. It was like this constant guilt that I was trying to overcome, the persistent feeling of failure that I was attempting to combat. Behind that gleefully beaming smile was a heart that cried for a job ! It was as if, being just Mom alone wasn't enough - I knew I was capable of a lot more ! When friends often reacted saying "Avani must be keeping you very busy", I always responded in my mind that I did have time on hand to work or talk technology atleast for a few hours of the day - but my problem was I had no one to talk technology with ! Other than my brother Anant, who works on the Oracle stack of the Integration products, and who kept me going, there really was no one who could take me back to those brain storming discussions that lead you to love a product enough to be able to solve critical Business Problems using technology!

Today, as I take on a new opportunity, I have enough challenges - both domestic and at work but what I do not have, is guilt and neither a feeling of failure... What transpires from this will depend upon how well I manage to balance the act of juggling a family, a home, and a career. A sense of fulfillment will not come with success/happiness in one arena alone. It will always be rewarding to see how all 3 are skillfully managed.

Tuesday 31 May 2011

The End of an Era - The Dawn of a new Beginning !

It's a wet and windy day. March is ending on a typically stormy note. It's the last Friday of the month. We are preparing to pack up. My heart feels heavy. The place which we'v been calling home for quite some time is the one we will never ever return to in our lives ! 21, Marlborough Court is being cleared off all the belongings of the Yadav Family.

While I am quite happy to return home, the fact that I never bagged an opportunity to work in London, will always be one of the things I will forever regret in my Life. Wether I would make up for it and in what ways is still unclear to me, but the wounds will continue to hurt untill then. The learning's from 3 years of living abroad and raising a family have been immense. The experience has been vital, in terms of appreciating the other side of life where you have no dearth of time !

April 19th 2011 - Mom n Dad's 30th Wedding Anniversary Day ! With a transformed persona, an optimistic attitude and a slight fear of not wanting to repeat failures, I have landed on the Indian Soil ! With a Happy Heart to be back home forever to live with my extended family we surprise them both by deuping them into beliving that we were set to land days later. :)

May 27th 2011 - It's been close to a month we'v returned from the UK and I have not 1, not 2, but 3 big Job Offers - all from the Organizations I've already proved my mettle to ! I have put my less than a month long Job Hunt to a Halt and decided to pick 1 out of those 3 offers & believe me it hasn't been an easy task !

The Era of being Unemployed is over for Me! :) The days of migrating from being "Yummy Mummy" to being "SuperMom" are finally here! :) Brace Yourself - The Career Woman is finally Back and this time She's in it - "For The Long Haul" ! It's the Dawn of a New Beginning...

Cheers !! :)

- Sayli :)