Friday 4 March 2011

Customer Relationship Management

What is CRM?

CRM is an enterprise wide business strategy designed to learn about customer’s needs and behaviors to organize and manage Customer relationships to maximize profitability and minimize expenses. A well planned CRM can be viewed as a strategic process merging strategy and system to amalgamate information from across the company (sales, marketing, finance, accounting, etc.) to offer a complete view of the customer and develop stronger relationships with them. Information gained from all internal and in some cases, external, sources allows the company to complete a full 360 degree view of their customer in real time.

CRM allows customer facing representatives of the company to have all the information they require to ensure the best customer experience in interactions with your company and opportunities to increase revenues through increased cross and up selling opportunities to competitive positioning tactics.

CRM is focused on the customer from first contact to continued interaction, to gain insight with which to learn their needs and behaviors to ensure revenue maximization through relationship selling (upsell opportunities, customer ranking, etc.).

CRM layer
This layer represents databases that consist of the single customer view, integrated contact/dialogue, customer profile, and content information. This layer also provides for the ability to perform analytics and reporting on the customer experience by using the variety of knowledge gained from all customer activity.

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