Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Am I Loosing It ..??

An entire 6 months and there isn't a new post on my blog! Oh no... there has been so much going on in my mind it should have been right here .. !!

Makes me kind of wonder is it lazing around or is it plain me loosing out on my thirst for writing.

Could be none actually. It's just that AVANI is so much in the center of everything I do now a days I keep feeling like everything else can wait and topples down my list of priorities.

I am so absorbed watching her progress by the day that I am probably not keen enough to sit up and take notice of things that do not involve my little gurl.. :)

But surely, I am hoping that this trip to India will do wonders to my enthusiasm for the things I always loved doing... Writing, Exercising and Reading apart from Mothering my little angel ! :)

So see you in the next year.. and yes not without that quintessential Good Bye 2009 Post ! :)
Watch out for that right here .. !

Tuesday, 8 December 2009


Food is more than something to satisfy your appetite. Food is fuel for your body. Each type of nutrient has a specific purpose and meets a specific need that your body has. The six nutrients are:


Yes, water is a nutrient. It is the most important nutrient. In fact, your body is approximately 50 to 55 percent water. Your body uses water 24 hours a day. A by-product of the energy production in your body is heat. Water regulates your body temperature by dissipating that heat. Water also carries nutrients to the cells in your body. Water does not produce energy.


Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for your body. Carbohydrates power every system in your body, including your brain, heart, muscles and internal organs. Carbohydrate can be simple (table sugar, corn syrup) or complex (whole grain). Simple carbohydrates enter your bloodstream very quickly. That is why you get a sugar high when you eat candy. Complex carbohydrates are processed and used more slowly.


Protein is like the brick and mortar of your body. It is the building blocks that provide the structure for the tissues of your body. Proteins are also used to transport essential elements in your blood stream.


Fat are our storehouses of energy. When we have excess nutrients in our body, some of it is stored as fat. The primary purpose of fat is energy production. There are two main types of fats - saturated and unsaturated. Animal fats (meat, butter, lard) are usually saturated fats and contribute to heart disease and cancer. Vegetable fats (olive oil, corn oil) are generally unsaturated fats and are less harmful. Some fats have been found to be helpful in preventing some cancers and heart disease. These fats called omega-3 fatty acids are found in some fish, especially cold-water fish.


Vitamins are essential for the regulation of many of the functions of the body. Most vitamins cannot be manufactured by the body and must be obtained from your diet. Vitamins do not produce energy.


Minerals are compounds, obtained from your diet, that combine in several ways to form the structures of your body. For instance, calcium is a mineral that is crucial in the formation and maintenance of your bones. Minerals also help regulate body functions. Minerals do not produce energy.

It is recommended that about 55% of our daily calories should come from carbohydrates, 15 % from protein and 30 % from fat.
The major sources of carbohydrates are cereals, pulses, potatoes. But also fruit and vegetables contain carbohydrates and even milk.

Sunday, 14 June 2009

As You Retire Today...


This is a mail I had been planning to write for a really long time to come..
Today, June 14th 2009 is one of those Big Day's in your life.. the one that you would remember for years to come..
I could'nt have wished more to be there by your side and witness the tremendous nostalgia that you may be feeling at this point in time..

As you look back at 33 years of your professional life in the private sector, you sure do have a lot to be proud of !!!

There have been tremendous amounts of up's and down's, a few which We as a family are all well aware of...
a lot many that you may have kept to yourself or even between You and Mom for all the right reasons..

Whatever was the case, that Trademark Laugh of yours always echoed a sense of happiness and well-being in you and is truly one of the things I personally admire the most..
You have been a gr8 DAD to US inspite of all the wrongs we did, and the small amounts of pain that we have caused you..

Your 60 years are truly the ones worth living by each one of us.. your birth to a farmer DAD, a childhood spent in a typically fulfilling rural setup, your teenage spent away from home and loved ones, then your adulthood spent in Pune - the very place which transformed you to a true HERO - with those polished manners, fluent english, great clothes & a personality that others could only envy having...

Your time spent dating mom, writing to her, playing badminton together, staying put in Akkalkot for a while.. getting married, beginning a life in a 1 room apartment on prabhat road, becoming a DAD, being responsible and accountable enough for the progress of the entire JOINT MAHAJAN family, proving to be the strongest root of the Extended Family Tree and treating everyone's illness with empathy, fulfilling all of our wishes and desires.. you went out of your way to help, protect and nurture all of us very positively...

Today as you retire and tomorrow as you turn 60 you couldn't have wished for more fulfillment and a sense of satisfaction that you feel right now I am sure.

Congratulations DAD and CHEERS to LIFE !! CHEERS to The MILESTONE 60 Years DADDY !! :)

Just as you had dreams for us and we fulfilled most of them, Your Children too have a Dream for you ..
We wish you all the Health, Wealth, Happiness and the longest carefree Years Ahead !!

Moving to your "Biggest Dream Come True Luxurious Bungalow", Being a Grandpa to AVANI, Coming Home to your Daughter on your 1st Trip Abroad, taking time out to Sight See the Beautiful Europe - yours is the kind of Retirement everyone can only Dream of !! But you are actually going to live it to the tee !! :)

We all wished a lot to be there on this important day, and nothing can make up for our presence by your side today. Neverthless, I just wrote in to remind you how PROUD we all feel for everything you have achieved so far and wish you luck for every little thing that you set out to achieve in the years to come..

May GOD shower his Choicest Blessings on You - Today and Forever !!

Lots of Luv,
- Sayla Beta :)

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Have You Taken The Smear Test / PAP Test ?

Being in the UK, we still have a privileged access to NDTV 24by7. Amongst all the news that has been doing the rounds namely - Elections / IPL / Pakistans Quest to retain Democracy and news of the 26/11 probe, what caught my attention was the news about Jade Goody Dying! Mere 27 years of age survived by 2 kids, its a reality that hits you hard and has you educating yourself about Cervical Cancer. So here it goes:
What Causes Cervical Cancer ?
We don't know exactly what causes cervical cancer, but certain risk factors are believed to have an effect. Medical history and lifestyle - especially sexual habits - play a role in a woman's chances of developing cervical cancer.
The most significant Risk Factors are:
1: Human papillomavirus (HPV)
2: Sexual history
Various other risk factors have also been identified.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that can infect:
1: The genital tract
2: The external genitals
3: The area around the anus
HPV has nothing to do with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. There are 46 genetic types of HPV, but not all are dangerous. Only certain types of HPV, which can be transmitted from one person to another during sexual contact, increase the risk of cell dysplasia (abnormal cell growth) and/or progression to cervical cancer.
The HPV types that produce genital warts (lesions that are raised and bumpy, or flat and almost impossible to see) are different from those that cause cervical cancer. However, women who have a history of genital warts have almost twice the risk of an abnormal PAP Smear as other women.

Sexual History:
A woman has a higher-than-average risk of developing cervical if she:
1: Has had multiple sexual partners
2: Began having sexual relations before the age of 18
3: Has a partner who has had sexual contact with a woman with cervical cancer

Other Risk Factors:
It is probable that other factors contribute to cervical cancer, such as:
Poverty: Women who are poor may not have access to medical services that detect and treat precancerous cervical conditions. When such women develop cervical cancer, the disease usually remains undiagnosed and untreated until it has spread to other parts of the body. Women who are poor are often undernourished, and poor nutrition can also increase cervical cancer risk.
Pap Test History: Not having regular Pap tests increases the chance of unrecognized cervical cancer. Between 60% and 80% of women with newly diagnosed cervical cancer have not had a Pap test in at least five years.
Tobacco Use: Women who smoke are about twice as likely to develop cervical cancer as women who do not. The more a woman smokes - and the longer she has been smoking - the greater the risk.
Eating Habits: A diet that doesn't include ample amounts of fruits and vegetables can increase a woman's risk of developing cervical cancer.
Weakened Immune System: A woman whose immune system is weakened has a higher-than-average risk of developing cervical lesions that can become cancerous. This includes women who are HIV-positive (infected with the virus that causes AIDS). It also includes women who have received organ transplants and must take drugs to suppress the immune system so that the body won't reject the new organ.
Hormonal Medications: Some experts suggest that hormones in oral contraceptives (birth control pills) can make women more susceptible to Human papillomavirus (HPV). At least one study has indicated that taking birth control pills significantly increases a woman's risk of developing HPV-related genital warts. Other research suggests that using oral contraceptives for five years or longer slightly elevates a woman's risk of developing cervical cancer, especially if she began taking the Pill before the age of 25.
Diethylstilberstrol (DES): A rare type of cervical cancer has been diagnosed in a small number of women whose mothers took diethylstilbestrol (DES), a medicine that was once used to prevent miscarriage.
Douching: Because douching may destroy natural antiviral agents normally present in the vagina, women who douche every week are more apt to develop cervical cancer than women who do not. Douching is the rinsing of the vagina by squirting water or other solutions containing vinegar, baking soda or commercial douching solutions into it.Because routine douching changes the delicate chemical balance in the vagina, it can make a woman more susceptible to bacterial infections or introduce new bacteria into the vagina and cervix. It also can spread existing vaginal infections to the fallopian tubes. Women who douche have a 73 percent higher risk of pelvic inflammatory disease.
Chemical Exposure: Women who work on farms or in the manufacturing industry may be exposed to chemicals that can increase their risk of cervical cancer.
Women with a weakened immune system due to the virus that causes AIDS are more likely to develop cervical cancer:
Cervical cancer is very common in women who are positive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Cervical cancer is sometimes the disease that first suggests a diagnosis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV can compound the effects of Human papillomavirus (HPV), causing cervical changes to progress more rapidly into cervical cancer than they otherwise might.
What are the Symptoms of Cervical Cancer?
Symptoms of cervical cancer don't usually appear until the abnormal cells invade nearby tissue.
Symptoms can include:
1: Abnormal bleeding
2: Heavier, long-lasting periods
3: Unusual vaginal discharge
4: Pelvic pain
Abnormal bleeding may occur:
1: Between menstrual periods
2: After menopause
3: After intercourse
4: After a pelvic examination
These symptoms are not always a sign of cervical cancer. They can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or other conditions. Your doctor can determine the cause of these symptoms.

Can Cervical Cancer be Prevented?
Early-stage cervical cancer and precancerous cervical conditions are almost 100% curable. The most common forms of cervical cancer begin with changes in cervical cells. If these changes are detected early enough, treatment can be started immediately to prevent cervical cancer from developing. The best way to detect early cervical cancer and precancerous conditions of the cervix is to have a Gynecologic Examination and Pap Test.
The American Cancer Society recommends that a woman have her first annual Pap test when she becomes sexually active or reaches the age of 18.
Because cervical cancer usually progresses slowly, some physicians feel that a woman doesn't need to have a Pap test every year if she:
1: Is 65 years of age or older
2: Has had normal Pap tests for three years in a row
Many experts recommend a Pap test every three years for women who have had a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) for reasons unrelated to cervical disease.
Women who have cervical cancer risk factors and who don't have regular gynecologic examinations are increasingly likely to:
1: Develop cervical carcinoma in situ between the ages of 30 and 40
2: Develop invasive cervical cancer between the ages of 40 and 50

Hopefully now we will get serious about having a regular Smear Test or PAP Test for Cervical Cancer. Afterall no one wishes to die like Jade Goody...

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Surya Namaskars

Surya Namaskaras There are twelve positions in Surya Namaskara. Twenty-five such Namaskaras form one Avriti (frequency). Surya Namaskara must be performed preferably in an open and airy place. Perform Surya Namaskara slowly without exerting too much or panting and puffing. There is one Mantra for each of the twelve Namaskaras- there by you also recite the dwadasa namas of Sun. 1st Position - DakshasanaMantra: Om Mitraya Namah Procedure : In the first position of Surya Namaskara contemplate the virtues of Lord Surya with concentrated mind and feel that you are the friend of everybody and have friendship with every creature on the earth. Immersing yourself with these feelings stand erect stretching your hands, neck and all other parts of your body. Stretching both of your arms, touch your thighs with palms and inflate the chest and point your vision on the tip of the nose. This is a position of attention. Benefits: Disorders of the skin and waists are corrected, the back and the legs become strong. Focusing of the vision on nose helps to control the mind. It is an easy and effective way of attaining good health and development of personality for the students. Meditating with concentrated mind enhances confidence.
2nd Position: Namaskarasana
Mantra : Om Ravaye NamahProcedure : Fold together both of your hands in such a way that that both the thumbs begin to touch your chest. Expand your chest and pull in the belly as far as possible. Look straight ahead. The head, the neck and the body should remain in a straight line. Closing the mouth inhale the breath and hold it inside as far as possible and then expose the breath.Benefits: Good for the diseases of the throat and voice is enhanced. Both mind and body become healthy. 3rd Position: Parvatasana
Mantra : Om Suryaya NamahProcedure: Raising the arms up, stretch whole of your body backward while gazing at the sky with open eyes. Bend backward as mush as possible, inhale and expand your chest at the same time.
Benefits: Both the shoulders and the food pipe (Esophagus) get exercise and diseases related to them are corrected. Eyesight is also improved. 4th Position: Namaskara HastapadasanaMantra: Om Bhanave NamahProcedure: Inhale deeply, retain the breath and bend forward without folding the knees. Rest both your palms on the ground and touch your knees with your forehead or the nose and exhale the breath with audible sound. In the beginning if you can't rest your palms on the ground, just touch the ground with fingers. Benefits : Disorders of the belly and digestive system are corrected. The chest and hands become stronger and you become well balanced, beautiful and good looking. Diseases of the feet and fingers are also corrected. 5th Position: Ekapada PrasaranasanaMantra : Om Khagaye Namah Procedure: Inhale and pull your right leg backward in such a way that the knee and the fingers of the foot touch the ground. The abdomen and belly must be pressing hard into the left leg. Raise your head as high as possible and look upwards. Push the waist down and hold the breath and stay in the posture as long as you can - comfortably.Benefits : The posture stretches the small intestine and the seminal vesicles. Hence this posture helps in correcting the constipation and diseases of the liver. Thinness of the semen is also corrected. Diseases of the throat are also corrected. 6th Position: Bhudharasana
Mantra : Om Pushne Namah Procedure: Inhale the breath deeply and hold it and pull both of your legs backward, so that the thumbs of the feet, ankles and knees touch each other. Stabilizing the feet and keeping the head, waist, the back and the elbows in a line bend forward and resting both the palms on the ground keep your body like a bow.Benefits : One gets relief from the pains - specially of arms, legs and the knees. Bulging waist is trimmed and it is good for the abdominal disorders. 7th Position: Ashthanga PranipatasanaMantra: Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah Procedure: Holding the breath, rest both your knees on the ground. Touch the ground with your chest and touch the lower part of the neck with chin. Also touch the ground with the upper part of the forehead and the nose. Please note that the abdomen should not touch the ground. It should be pulled in. Then exhale the breath. Both the hands/palms must be on the side of the chest.Benefits : This posture makes the arms strong. If ladies perform this Asana before getting pregnant, the breast fed babies could be saved from the attacks of many diseases. 8th Position: BhujangasanaMantra : Om Marichye NamahProcedure: Keeping the legs, palms and knees as in Ashtanga prampatasana position above, unfold the arms and rise inhaling the breath, push the chest out and bend the waist in a circle backward. Then rise and bend your head backwards looking up and back as much up as possible and exhale the breath.Benefits : Tones up the body and the back muscles and improves the eyesight. Corrects all kinds of disorders related to the reproductive system, corrects the irregularities in females menstrual cycles. Blood circulation is also improved. 9th Position: Bhudharasana
Mantra : Om Adityaya NamahRepeat the process of Bhudharasana as described in the step six - Inhale the breath deeply and hold it and pull both of your legs backward, so that the thumbs of the feet, ankles and knees touch each other. Stabilizing the feet and keeping the head, waist, the back and the elbows in a line bend forward and resting both the palms on the ground keep your body like a bow.
Benefits : One gets relief from the pains - specially of arms, legs and the knees. Bulging waist is trimmed and it is good for the abdominal disorders.
10th Position: Ekapada PrasaranasanaMantra: Om Savitre NamahProcedure: Repeat the process of the fifth Namaskara as described in the fifth position but just reverse the position of the legs.
11th Position: Namaskara HastapadasanaMantra : Om Arkaya NamahRepeat the process described in the fourth position.

12th Position: Parvatasana Mantra: Om Bhaskaraya Namah Procedure : Same as position 2

Then come back to the 1st position and repeat the full round once more. Our ancients used to do 25 rounds of Surya Namaskaras, called one Avriti. Can you?!

As per the scriptures one who performs the Surya Namaskaras daily does not get poor in a thousand births.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

ABs Diet Plan

Avoid Fast Food

You should avoid fast-food burgers and fries at all costs. If you must eat fast food as part of your abs diet plan, opt for fresh sandwiches with lots of veggies on whole-grain bread or wraps, or bean burritos with salsa instead of dairy.

Reduce or Eliminate Red Meat

If you want to enjoy it occasionally in your abs diet plan, opt for organic or sources from your local small farms. They taste worlds better, are produced in a humane and sanitary manner, and aren’t loaded with hidden hormones and antibiotics that do insane things to your body.

Eat lean, high-quality protein with every meal as part of a sound abs diet plan. It speeds up your metabolism and helps you lose fat. How?
It takes more energy to digest protein compared to carbs and fats, which means more calories burned (Yes, you actually burn fat by eating protein!)!
By eating protein, you won't feel hungry all the time. That's because protein curbs your appetite leaving you feeling more “satisfied” and fuller for a longer period than carbs and fats would.
Combined with exercise, protein builds lean muscle tissue. Which makes it easier to burn fat, because the more muscle you have, the easier it is to burn fat!
Chicken and fish are leaner than red meat. Again, opt for organic or poultry sources from your local small farms. Limit your fish intake to no more than once per week to lower your ingestion of mercury, which can cause neurological impairment such as Alzheimer’s disease.
There are hundreds of ways to cook beans: chili, Cajun dishes, lentil soup--the list goes on and on.
Try vegetarian chicken, burgers, sausage and bacon. They’ve come a long way, and many of today’s products could fool the staunchest of carnivores!

Don’t Skip Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and for good reason. Eating breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day, and is a staple of your abs diet plan!
Not eating breakfast leaves your blood sugar unstable and causes you to overeat because you were so hungry from not eating anything in the morning. By the time mid-morning and mid-afternoon rolls around, you’ll eat anything! And, you end up making bad food choices. So always eat a breakfast high in fiber and protein, and your abs will thank you for it!
Eat Your Fruits and Veggies!
A smart, balanced abs diet plan includes eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day--eight servings is optimum. You’ll enjoy more nutrients--and less cooking--if you eat them fresh. Add fruit and vegetable juices to your meals and snacks to increase your servings. Fruit satisfies the sweet tooth.

Fat's Biggest Enemy, and Your Best Friend
Who could this be? It’s fiber!
There are two forms of fiber--soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves quickly in water and looks like gel. It’s found in fruits, oats, barley, and beans amongst others.
Insoluble fiber is found in cereal and whole grains, as well as fruits and vegetables. Why is fiber important to you in regards to losing fat?
Controls your appetite: While insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. Fiber, in general, absorbs a lot of fluid on its way down through your digestive track. Which takes up room, making you feel “full” and curbing your appetite.
Moderates your insulin: Soluble fiber forms a protective coat in your stomach lining, controlling how much sugar gets into your bloodstream. Which reduces the insulin released by the pancreas. Since insulin promotes the storage of fat. The less you have of it, the better off your waistline will be.
Lowers your estrogen: Fiber decreases your body’s estrogen level--a fat storing hormone. Too much estrogen gives you a softer and undefined body, which explains why women have more body fat than men. But, even men carry a certain amount of estrogen. Fiber helps to filter it out. Which increases your testosterone to estrogen ratio, and results in an increase of lean muscle tissue, faster metabolism, and fat loss.
Fiber is not only important in regards to fat loss. But, it’s just plain healthy for you! The best part is it’s inexpensive and readily available through foods. So, include fiber in your abs diet plan today, and start enjoying the many benefits it brings!

Don’t Eliminate Carbohydrates from Your Abs Diet Plan!
You can reduce them, but don’t eliminate them from your abs diet plan. Your body needs carbs to survive.
Carbohydrates are one of three primary nutrients, besides protein and fats. Carbs are metabolized into blood glucose, which every single cell of the body uses as a primary energy source. Glucose is the brain’s only source of fuel!
But if carbs are eaten excessively, namely the nutrient-deficient products that line grocery store shelves, the body converts the excess glucose into extra fat. Rather, you need whole-grain carbs. Ditch the bagels and white bread for whole-grain wraps, seven-grain crackers and hearty multi-grain breads.

Eat a Low-Fat, but Not a No-Fat Diet
Eat more good fats by getting more omega 3’s in your abs diet plan from oily fish such as wild salmon. Choose wild instead of farm-raised salmon, which is filled with toxins. Other great sources of Omega 3’s includes:
pumpkin seeds
flax seeds
fish oil
range-fed chicken eggs
grass-fed beef
even ostrich meat!

Eat, and Eat Often!
As strange as it may sound, to lose belly fat. You need to eat. Instead, of starving yourself!
Because, whether you’re sitting down watching TV, talking on the phone, or sleeping. Your body is constantly using up energy, and when you don’t replace it. Your body’s first natural reaction is to hold onto body fat in order to conserve energy, so it can keep you alive!
Don’t make the mistake of not eating or skipping meals in an attempt to lose weight or fat because by not eating over an extended period. You cause your body to hold onto fat, not lose it. You may think you’re losing it. But you’re only losing water weight.
Not to mention, as a result of starving yourself the entire day. You'll get so hungry, you'll eat any and everything! So again, you end up making bad food choices.
Also, you'll lose muscle tissue by starving yourself or skipping meals. Which means a slower metabolism and less calories burned!
Instead, “trick” your body’s metabolism by eating small meals spread throughout the day containing quality protein along with a good ratio of carbohydrates, some good fats, and lots of veggies. This will speed up your metabolism and replenish energy stores to burn fat, instead of holding onto them!

Reduce or Eliminate Dairy Products
Dairy products are nothing but fat. Besides, calves were designed to digest cow’s milk--not the human body. If you do continue eating dairy, opt for low-fat varieties, gourmet cheeses, faux products developed for the lactose-intolerant and vegans, and those produced organically or by small local farmers.
Drastically Reduce or Eliminate Junk Food
But if you’ve been craving potato chips for three weeks and you can’t get them out of your head. By all means, enjoy a fulfilling but reasonable portion alongside your veggie burger! Satisfying our cravings within reason prevents the mind games that instigate uncontrolled all-out eating frenzies.
Avoid High-Fructose Corn Syrup
Be a label reader. It’s everywhere! High-fructose corn syrup is engineered to contain 80 percent fructose and 20 percent glucose--almost twice the fructose of normal sugar. Natural fruit is 50-50, but fiber slows down the body’s fructose absorption rate.
But the fructose in high-fructose corn is absorbed very quickly. It's metabolized in the liver, unlike glucose, which is metabolized in all cells. This excess leads to obesity.
Reduce or Eliminate Alcohol
If you drink, limit yourself to two drinks per week. Alcohol inhibits fat burning--while the liver is busy metabolizing alcohol, it puts fat metabolism on hold. Beer contains the most calories, then wine, then mixed drinks.

Drink Lots of Water
Drink at least eight glasses of water every day--16 is optimum. Drinking eight glasses of water daily is necessary for basic hydration (more than 75 percent of Americans are chronically dehydrated).
Water flushes away excess fat and moves nutrients to every nook and cranny of your body. Water also removes toxins from your body, and the less toxins you have in your body, particularly in your stomach. The flatter your stomach will become!
Eliminate sugar-loaded soda, and reduce diet soda. Opt for more water instead! You and your abs will appreciate it. :-)

Slow down and Enjoy Your Food
Let me say that again--s l o w d o w n! This is more important than all the other abs diet recipe tips! Sit down and be with your food. Don’t drive, don’t watch TV, and don’t have a meeting. Savor every bite, and chew it thoroughly--50 times.
This allows your brain, stomach, taste buds and soul to register the nourishment of one of life’s most basic necessities and pleasures. This, in turn, prevents overeating.
Finally, stop eating when your stomach is full--don’t stuff yourself. Being full is not the same as being stuffed. The adult stomach comfortably holds approximately one quart of food and beverage--in other words, what would fit in your cupped hands.

Your Abs Diet Plan Includes Getting More Sleep
Along with making changes to what you eat. It’s important to make other lifestyle changes as well, such as getting more sleep every night. You burn fat during sleep. So, it doesn’t get easier than that!
But, many people don’t get enough sleep and studies show people who lack sleep hold onto more body fat. Studies also show a link between obesity and a lack of sleep.
The amount of sleep needed depends on you. The older we get, the more sleep we need, but research shows people require seven to nine hours of sleep a night.
If you have trouble sleeping taking magnesium supplements thirty minutes to an hour before bedtime can help and don’t be surprised if you start getting weird dreams. ;-) Look for organic forms such as orotate or glycinate. The inorganic forms like magnesium oxide are worthless.
Also, if you can’t get seven to nine hours of sleep each night then make it up by taking a power nap! A twenty-minute nap sometime during the day can do wonders for you.
It’s no wonder why some large corporations have made naps mandatory. As they know, a well-rested employee is a productive one. Therefore increasing their bottom line!

The Bottom Line on Creating a Successful Abs Diet Plan?
It’s not about how much you eat, but what you eat. It's also about controlling your appetite, and being able to control your appetite...
If your abs diet plan looks like this:
quality lean protein with every meal
whole grains
good fats
good carbs
drink lots of water
smaller meals spread throughout the day
adequate sleep each night
Then you combine these abs diet recipes with strength and interval training, and the best abs exercises to strengthen your ab muscles. You’ll get a sexy, toned stomach! :-)
But, if your abs diet plan goes something like this:
processed foods
fast foods
fried foods
sugary foods
bad fats
bad carbs
excessive drinking
lack of sleep
You then combine these abs diet recipes with strength and interval training, and the best ab exercises to sculpt your ab muscles. You will still get a flabby, fat stomach! :-(
Because that’s what it comes down to--80% what you eat and 20% everything else!

Sunday, 1 March 2009

20 Tips for Baking the Perfect Cake

Yesterday I had an opportunity to have freshly baked Choclate Muffins at a friend's place. This truly urges me to learn to bake desserts myself. I should get down to doing that soon for sure. But before that I thought to get the right mix, one must 1st keep some baking tips in mind. So here they are:

1. Preheat the oven. This ensures that your cake will be cooked evenly and at the right temperature as soon as it goes into the oven.

2. Always grease or line your baking pan or cake tin with greaseproof paper. This prevents the cake from sticking and burning.

3. Use good quality non-stick pans as they ensure even distribution of heat across the surface and require little preparation before filling with the cake mix. Loose-bottom tins are particularly useful.

4. Bring all cold ingredients such as butter and eggs to room temperature before use for best results.

5. Pour the prepared cake mix into the centre of the pan and spread the surface evenly with a knife or the back of a spoon. Gently knock the pan to remove any surface air bubbles.

6. Never fill a cake tin more than half full.

7. Place your cake tin in the centre of the oven as this will ensure good circulation of air around the tin during cooking.

8. Always allow at least half to ¾ of the cooking time to elapse before opening the oven door to check on your cake. Any earlier and the cake will sink.

9. As the temperature of oven makes varies, always check the cake up to 10 minutes before the time given in the recipe. Remove it from the oven if it is done, if not leave in for 2 to 5 minute intervals at a time, checking after each interval.

10. To check if a cake is cooked, insert a skewer or cocktail stick (or even a piece of raw spaghetti) into the centre. If it comes out clean, the cake is done, if it has food stuck to it, continue to cook the cake for a few minutes more and repeat the process.

11. Always cool your cake in the tin on a wire rack for 10 minutes before removing from the tin.

12. To remove the cake easily from a loose-bottomed tin, place on a tin can or jar and press the side of the tin downwards. This allows easy removal of the base (and cake) from the sides of the tin.

13. To remove a cake from a solid tin, run a knife around the outside of the cake then place a plate over the tin and invert it. The cake should come out cleanly. If not, you can out it back into the oven for a couple of minutes to melt the grease and it should then be easier to release from the tin.

14. Always ensure the cake is completely cool before handling or decorating it to avoid crumbling, breakage or movement of the cake.

15. If your cake is particularly rounded or uneven, level it off with a sharp knife before decorating.

16. To prevent your cake sticking to the plate or board, dust the surface with icing sugar.

17. Use a clean pastry brush to clean away any crumbs from the top and sides of your cake before decorating to help ensure a clean surface.

18. When using two fillings such as jam and cream, spread each one on a different half of the cake and then sandwich together.

19. To cleanly cut through an iced cake, dip your knife in water to stop the icing and cake from sticking.

20. If you are not ready to decorate your cake, wrap in cling film and leave in the fridge overnight or place in the freezer until needed. Most cakes can be frozen for up to 3 months.

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Health Foods - Oats

The Oat grain is very much like a kernel of wheat in structure. However, unlike wheat, the nutritious bran and germ are not removed in the normal processing because oats are not refined. Oats can often be eaten by those intolerant of wheat.

Very nutritious, they are full of protein and minerals - they contain high levels of calcium, phosphorus and iron. Oats also contain anitioxidants and high levels of the mood lifting amino acid tryptophan, which accounts for their tranqillizing uplifting effects.

Besides providing dietary bulk and improving the digestive process in general, the soluble fibre found in oats helps to lower cholestrol and boost cardiovascular health generally. In addition, because oats are digested slowly they help to maintain an even supply of energy to the brain by sustaining steady blood sugar levels. This is beneficial for diabetics and can help reduce mood swings, particularly those associated with PMS.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Health Foods - Oily Fish

All oily fish (herring, kippers, mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardines, whitebait and anchovies) contain Omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFA's). They are called essential because they cannot be made within the body and must be obtained from the diet.

Omega-3 oils provide a range of health benefits. They are crucial for protecting the parts of our brain that send messages to the body, and improving memory. They also strengthen cardiovascular health - providing protection against heart disease, helping prevent blood clots, and lowering cholestrol levels and high blood pressure.

Fish oils also have a beneficial effect on arthritis, swollen joints, dry skin and inflammatory skin conditions. Another health benefit of taking fish oils is a reduction of the symptoms of PMS.

Besides containing EFAs, fish are a good source of the antioxidant selenium. This mineral helps protect against the development of cancer by detoxifying the body, removing heavy metals such as mercury from the body and mopping up free radicals.

Selenium also protects against heart disease so oily fish are an excellent inclusion in the diet. Vitamin E is another antioxidant found in many oily fish.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Health Foods - Garlic

A perfect food, garlic has many properties beneficial to health. Taken regularly, it helps build up high levels of resistance to infection within the immune system.
It is antiviral, antibiotic, antibacterial and antiseptic. It contains the antioxidants selenium and Vitamin C, which help to fight free radicals.
It is a good detoxifying agent, cleanses and tones the liver and its decongestant properties makes it excellent for clearing respiratory ailments.
Renowned for its beneficial effects on the heart and the circulation, garlic can reduce high blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels.
It contains allicin, which dilates the blood vessels and reduces clotting. It also contains sulphur, which is believed to inhibit the growth of tumours.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Health Foods - Spinach


Spinach is just one example of the leafy green vegetables rich in calcium and magnesium. Half a cup of cooked spinach contains more calcium, magnesium and iron than half a cup of milk.

The calcium and magnesium in spinach work together to ensure efficient nerve transmissions.

Calcium strengthens bones, teeth and gums, while magnesium and vitamin K build healthy red blood cells, the iron in the spinach strengthens the blood and potassium regulates high blood pressure.

Leafy greens are particularly rinch in antioxidants too and therefore more important for strengthening the body's immune system.

The antioxidants in spinach are believed to reduce the risk of both heart disease and stroke and lower the risk of skin and stomach cancer.

Spinach is another energizing food, and is most effective in combating long term fatigue.

Monday, 9 February 2009

Health Foods - Carrots

Carrots are powerful detoxifying food and are especially effective taken as juice with apple. Their rich orange color indicate that they are loaded with beta-carotene.

This carotenoid pigment converts to Vitamin A in the body when needed and is a powerful force in the fight against free radicals.

In addition, beta carotene has a healing effect on the skin, especially in cases of eczema, dermatitis and acne and is believed to result in healthy eyes and good night vision.

Carrots contain Vitamin C. These two antioxidants means that carrots are valuable for boosting the immune system and restoring health to convalescents.

Carrots are believed to offer protection against various cancers and heart disease and to help lower cholesterol levels if eaten daily.

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Health Foods - Broccoli


An ideal food, broccoli is packed with vitamins and minerals - Vitamins A and C (a cup of cooked Broccoli contains more Vitamin C than two Oranges), beta carotene, B2, B5 and folate, zinc and iron.

It comprises 90 per cent water and contains very few calories.

Broccoli is another free radical fighting food, protecting cells in the brain and body from oxidative damage.

It provides protection against heart disease and a range of infections, particularly respiratory ones, and is thought to be a major force in fighting bowel cancer.

Its detoxifying properties mean that broccoli can prevent a built up of harmful toxins within the body, allowing the liver and the digestive system to function more effectively and ultimately improving skin condition.

In addition, the folate found in broccoli promotes the production of the mood lifting chemical serotonin beneficial for those suffering from depression.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Health Foods - Bananas

A rich source of protein and a good source of fibre, bananas also have potent energizing qualities, making them an ideal snack when you feel low on energy. They are a healthy option for fulfilling a craving for something sweet.
The amino acid found in bananas has a mildly sedative effect so makes them a good snack to have at bedtime. It also helps alleviate the symptoms of depression, anxiety and PMS.
Bananas are high in antioxidants - Vitamin C and beta carotene, the precursor of Vitamin A - and in Potassium. They also contain Vitamin B6, which helps protect against heart disease and regulates the nervous system.
Being generally easy to digest, bananas make particularly good food for convalescents or those with appetite related conditions.

Monday, 2 February 2009

Health Foods - Berries

Antioxidant Foods:
Uncooked fresh fruit and vegetables are the best places to find antioxidants. Prunes, Raisins, Cherries, Berries - (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants), Black Grapes, Bananas, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Peas, Chestnuts, Brazils and Hazelnuts are particularly good sources.

Berries are important for immune health, being rich in the antioxidant vitamins - Vitamins C, E and beta carotene, which converts within the body to Vitamin A. These provide protection against infection and disease by neutralizing the free radicals responsible for cellular damage in our bodies.
Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, BlackCurrants and Black Grapes have an important role to play in anti-ageing - they have been found to prevent collagen from breaking down.
Berries also have a stabilizing effect on the menstrual cycle, as well as high levels of minerals, especially calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Strawberries are believed to soothe arthritic inflammation.
Raspberries are good for indigestion and menstrual problems.
Blackberries are very energizing and make excellent blood cleansers, as do blackcurrants, redcurrants and blueberries.
Blackberries and Cranberries are useful for clearing congestion in the respiratory tract and soothing sore throats.
Cranberries and Blackcurrants are beneficial for kidney and urinary tract infections.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

"Happy Anniversary" To My BLOG ! :)

A Year - Yes!! That’s how long I have been blogging now! One of my resolutions in 2008, was to start a blog. I did keep at it a lot in the beginning but towards the end of the year, I felt as though I was too caught up to write about anything at all...

But there definitely was a lot to talk about! The things that didn’t quite make it to my Blog List were aplenty:

January 2008:
· The Sensex touching its highest ever peak of 21K
· 'Nano' is born. The world's cheapest car costing Rs 100,000 unveiled at 9th Auto Expo in Delhi by Ratan Tata.
· India's largest IPO by Reliance Power to raise Rs 11,000 crore (Rs 110 billion) opens. The issue closed on Jan 18 but was hammered in the market on debut. The company issued bonus shares to retain investor confidence.
March 2008:
· Tata Motors announces agreement with Ford Motor to acquire Jaguar Land Rover for $2.3 billion.
May 2008:
· Premier League champions Manchester United win the Champions League by beating Chelsea 6-5 on penalties in Moscow after the two sides were level as 1-1 following extra time.
June 2008:
· The hike in Fuel Prices: In the highest ever price raise, the government announced a Rs 5 a litre increase in petrol, Rs 3 on diesel and Rs 50 per LPG cylinder together with customs and excise duty cuts to combat spurt in global oil prices.
· Tiger Woods, battling crippling pain in his left knee, defeats fellow American Rocco Mediate in the first sudden-death hole of a US Open play-off. He takes the remainder of the year off after undergoing reconstructive surgery.
· Spain claim their first major football title for 44 years with a 1-0 win over Germany in the European championship final in Vienna. Liverpool striker Fernando Torres (pictured) scores the only goal of the match in the 33rd minute.
July 2008:
· The most-watched Wimbledon final in eight years (Federer vs Nadal: 5.2 million viewers): Rafael Nadal defeats Roger Federer in an epic, rain-interrupted, five-set Wimbledon singles final to become the first man since Bjorn Borg to win the French Open and Wimbledon titles in the same year. Federer was bidding to surpass Borg and become only the second man to win six consecutive Wimbledon titles.
August 2008:
· Rising prices of food items like fruits, vegetables and milk pushed up inflation to 12.63 per cent.This was a 13-year high for the inflation numbers in India. Inflation was 4.24 per cent during the corresponding week in 2007.
· August 8th – August 24th: The most-watched global event ever (2008 Beijing Summer Olympics: 4.7 billion viewers). 43 world records and 132 Olympic records were broken during the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing. A spectacular opening ceremony in the futuristic Bird's Nest stadium precedes an immaculately organised Beijing Olympics. In the pool, Michael Phelps wins an unprecedented eight gold medals, including seven world records, to better the record set by fellow American Mark Spitz 36 years earlier. On the track, Bolt breaks the world 100 and 200 metres marks in the greatest exhibition of sprinting witnessed at an Olympics. China head the medals table, with 51 golds, ahead of the United States.
· Apple's iPhone makes India debut.
September 2008:
· Seven-times Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong announces he is coming out of retirement and plans to race in the 2009 Tour.
· Lehman Brothers collapses, marking the savage financial tsunami which led to dozens of banks across going bankrupt, and pushed the entire global economy into a tizzy from which it will take at least two years to come out. Many business have shut shop, millions of jobs are being lost even now, and the stock markets across the globe have plummeted like never before.
· Global Financial Meltdown begins.
October 2008:
· Sachin Tendulkar overtakes West Indian Brian Lara's world-record Test-runs tally of 11,953 on the opening day of India's second Test against Australia at Mohali.
· Tata Motors pulls out of Singur, where it planned to set up the mother plant for Nano at an investment of Rs 1,500 crore (Rs 15 billion).
· Tata Motors announces new Nano plant will come up at Sanand in Gujarat at an investment of Rs 2,000 crore (Rs 20 billion).
· TCS acquires 96.3 per cent stake in Citigroup Global Services Ltd, the BPO outfit of the American bank, for $505 million. Tatas bid to buy Jaguar LandRover
· Jet Airways and Kingfisher Airlines form operational alliance to cut costs.
· Jet Airways lays off 1900 of its employees in various work profiles. Two days later, company Chairman Naresh Goyal orders reinstatement of all the sacked employees.
· ICICI Bank was the target of some major rumours. Following some reports, investors feared that their deposits in the bank were no longer safe.
November 2008:
· History is created, Change Comes to America: The Democratic Candidate, Barack Obama had been voted America's 1st Black President.
· The crash of the Rupee against the Dollar the lowest ever on November 24th . The bankruptcy, sale, restructuring and merger of some of the world's largest financial institutions has caused cataclysmic disruptions in the international stocks and money markets.
· Terror Trails across Mumbai: The November 26th 2008 Mumbai attacks were a series of ten coordinated terrorist attacks across Mumbai, India's financial capital and its largest city.
December 2008:
· Negative Growth - The Indian industry saw its output shrink for the first time in 15 years with a 0.4 per cent year-on-year decline in October, as the impact of the global economic downturn deepened in the country. From a dazzling 12.2 per cent growth in October last year, industry recorded a negative growth of 0.4 per cent in October this year, partly due to a dip of over 12 per cent in India's exports.
· State-owned telecom operator MTNL launches third generation (3G) services.
· India's fourth largest IT firm Satyam Computer announces acquisition of Maytas Properties and Mytas Infra for $1.6 billion.
· Satyam calls off acquisition after angry shareholders response. Since then, four of the company's independent directors have quit.
· Country's third-largest software services provider Wipro agrees to buy Citi Technology Services Ltd from Citigroup for about $127 million.
· World Bank says Satyam barred from doing business with it for eight years.
· Reliance Petroleum commissions its 580,000 barrels per day refinery at Jamnagar.
· Economy and markets under tremendous strain - Stock market benchmark Sensex closes trading for the year down 69 points at 9,647.31. It had peaked to 21,206.77 points in January 2008.
January 2009:
. India’s Biggest Corporate Fraud: Ramalinga Raju and his brother Rama Raju, accused of committing a Rs40 billion fraud that threaten to shake the very foundation of Satyam Computers, are in jail There are fears over the adverse fallouts of the Satyam fraud on the international reputation of the exports-driven Indian IT industry.
. "Slumdog Millionaire": A Mumbai underdog's rags-to-riches story, 'Slumdog Millionaire', swept all the four categories it was nominated for, winning the best director award for Boyle, the best music score for Rahman, best screenplay for Simon Beaufoy and also in the category of best drama. Rahman, who the coveted prize for his music score 'Jai Ho' in the film.

This time around hopefully I will pen down a lot more than I did in 2008 and celebrate yet another Anniversary next year on Jan 17th ! :) Till then keep visiting ! :)

Friday, 9 January 2009

How Many Calories Are You Burning ?

Below is a very rough guide to some everyday activities, together with the number of calories you would burn if you undertook the activity for 20 mins. Simply increasing your overall activity can significantly improve your overall fitness and energy levels. Simple ways to do so is using the stairs instead of the lift, or getting off the bus a stop or two earlier and walking the rest of the way, parking further from your destination than usual.
Activity = Calories Burnt / 20 Minutes
Running = 300
Circuit Training = 260
Rowing = 200
Jogging = 170
Cycling = 160
Horseriding = 150
Aerobics = 140
Swimming = 140
Weight Training = 140
Mowing the Lawn = 130
Skiing = 130
Gardening = 120
Tennis = 120
Washing Windows = 120
Skipping = 100
Scrubbing Floors = 90
Bowling = 80
Golf = 80
Ironing = 80
Walking Leisurely = 80
Housework = 60
So no time to exercise ? Never mind, cause you then have enough reasons to keep yourself occupied and active by indulging in 20 minute sessions of any of the chores around the house ! :) Now stop being a couch potato get up and get moving... :) Remember - It only takes 20 mins a day to keep fit !

Friday, 2 January 2009

10 Good Reasons to do Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic Exercises make you slightly breathless and increase your pulse rate. It does not necessarily mean 'aerobics' - there are plenty of other forms of aerobic exercise, such as swimming, cycling, running. However, aerobic exercise of some sort is vital for several reasons:
1: Increases cardiovascular fitness
2: Strengthens bones and makes joints more flexible
3: Increases the basal metabolic rate (BMR) - your body burns more calories even at rest
4: Burns up stored fat
5: Suppresses your appetite
6: Enhances your skin
7: Relaxes you and makes you sleep better
8: Improves body tone and definition
9: Reduces blood pressure and cholestrol
10: Increases your vitality and well being - exercise is a natural anti-depressant
So isn't this motivation enough to start exercising to keep fit this New Years ?? :)